Free: Lot 6624 MY ONLY ONE EVER - EXTREMELY RARE Suzy's Zoo 4.5"x6" Sheet 9571 - PLEASE READ - Stickers - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Lot 6624 MY ONLY ONE EVER - EXTREMELY RARE Suzy's Zoo 4.5"x6" Sheet 9571 - PLEASE READ

Lot 6624 MY ONLY ONE EVER - EXTREMELY RARE Suzy's Zoo 4.5"x6" Sheet 9571 - PLEASE READ
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This Stuff is Free Too:

The listing, Lot 6624 MY ONLY ONE EVER - EXTREMELY RARE Suzy's Zoo 4.5"x6" Sheet 9571 - PLEASE READ has ended.

This is for Lot 6372 MY ONLY ONE EVER - EXTREMELY RARE Suzy's Zoo 4.5"x6" Sheet 9571 - Valentine characters

"Friends Forever!"
"♥ Best Friends!"
"Sweet you!"
"Be mine!"
"I think you're ggrrreat!"
"I ♥ You!"
"Happy Valentines Day!"
"You're the BEST!"
"You're Special!"

You can think of lots of things to do with it...after all, you are limited only by your imagination. :o)
I list as many items as I can each week. NICE BONUSES given to folks who win more than one item from me by midnight on Sunday. This helps me save on postage and it is my way of returning the favor. I mail on Mondays or Tuesdays.
Thank you for shopping my auctions! :o) Tell your friends!

Valentine's Day
Questions & Comments
Oh I love this one!
Jan 15th, 2017 at 3:27:42 AM PST by
Her stickers ARE really cute, aren't they?
Jan 15th, 2017 at 8:17:45 PM PST by

Lot 6624 MY ONLY ONE EVER - EXTREMELY RARE Suzy's Zoo 4.5"x6" Sheet 9571 - PLEASE READ is in the Crafts | Stickers category