isn't it! i was collecting dog planters for a long time and then someone gave me this cat planter and it became my favorite. but, i am moving overseas and somethings just can't come along for the ride. even if you don't win this one keep your eyes open in the antique stores i see planters of this sorts in there all the time. also the second hand stores....
got two tiger cat rascals of my own..... a mom and a daughter. they are best friends and love to take walks with me out in the woods. they too are like little puppy dogs.
Ty JayQuinn. AmyNycole, I've never had a cat that would go for a walk-and I've tried! I've also seen cats that would go for walks on a real tv show, on Animal Planet. It's about this guy that's an animal behaviorist and makes 'bad' cats into good ones. He gets their people to make the home environment more cat friendly. It really works.-I've experienced some of the same in real life. =D
never had to do anything to get them to follow me. we just started walking in the woods when they were kittens and now its our daily ritual...they are great buddies.