Free: ♦♦♦Genuine Orange Sea Coral Bracelet♦♦♦ - Bracelets - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ♦♦♦Genuine Orange Sea Coral Bracelet♦♦♦

♦♦♦Genuine Orange Sea Coral Bracelet♦♦♦
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The listing, ♦♦♦Genuine Orange Sea Coral Bracelet♦♦♦ has ended.

Genuine Orange Sea Coral Bracelet - Stretches to fit. Two sizes of stones are on this pretty bracelet. Some of the stones have naturally occurring black markings in them. There are enough areas of stones without markings so it can be worn without the markings being visible on the top. Those markings give the coral character and show it's genuine, in my opinion. The stones look polished, and overall this is a beautiful bracelet with stunning color.

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♦♦♦Genuine Orange Sea Coral Bracelet♦♦♦ is in the Jewelry & Watches | Bracelets category