The listing, Tigers Eye Ring- Good Luck Symbols- UPDATED has ended.
This is a beautiful ring carved from Tigers Eye.
Which is for good luck, it has 3 Chinese symbols
on it, which mean good luck, good fortune &
good health.
Ring is a size 7, and in perfect shape.
Worn about a half a dozen times.
Beautiful and unique, since it is hand carved.
Box not included- Just for display.
Thanks for stopping to look. Good Luck if bidding
@@For the lady who asked for new & better pictures.
I sure hope this helps. Pretty sad that my phone
camera is better than my digital camera. lol
Guess it's time for a new one. Let me know if these
better. The 1st two look like their is a white spot
below one of the symbols, so I took the last two, as
to try to show that it is a reflection.
I took #3 because I wanted to show the way the
colors are throughout the ring...After all it is made
from a Tigers Eye Stone.@@