FREE: Ghost phantom quartz crystal pendant healing specimen 51G
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The listing, Ghost phantom quartz crystal pendant healing specimen 51G has ended.
Ghost phantom quartz crystal pendant healing specimen 51G 9 total 7 have bails 1 drilled only 1 not drilled through
*Random Cat Photo - Gadget by Elias Saba. B2466
Questions & Comments
GAHylback's items are absolutely incredible pieces. I have "bought"/won LOTS from her. I don't regret one. The photos never do the product justice. I know you asked her this question .. but it's most assuredly the pictures you think are poor. Not the pieces.
Yes I am sorry to say that is the case..Most everyday I see bully comments from her on reputable sellers nice auctions including telling a man he needed an acid test on his head..Very scary and sadly there is much more..My apologies to you truly & thankfully you have not fully experienced that wrath..Scary scary
I don't mean to be rude in any way. But a true ghost/phantom quartz has what looks like another crystal inside of it. These just look like poor quality quartz that have been put through a rock tumbler. Is it just the photo's?
I think they look cool I had a nice little collection of rocks at one time I sold them when my mom had surgery in September now I gotta try regrow my collection and there is crazy and mean ppl on listia when I see stuff I always flag it or hide it if I get any or just sit there and argue back lol just to get a badge and xp points for commenting haha
You have before I do believe I got a smokey quartz cluster last year from you before listia went insane with the credit value lol now I have few 100k but don't want to spend it all in one place if I can help it
Giddy Up CuteSheCat! You are a donkey's @ss again so please graze in another pasture & don't let the gate hit you in the rear end on your way out as you have been tagged a nuisance donkey many many times..Sorry G.A. my chaps are a little tight tonite
Am I dreaming or did someone hack into someone elses account to post a whack-job of a comment on a wonderful Auction of yours? This world is running fast out of nutso stunts to pull. These people who do this look more and more crazy. Why aren't they embarrassed?