Free: Calling all Wizzerds, Witches and Warlocks. By Dream Catcher Art. - Other Jewelry & Watch Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Calling all Wizzerds, Witches and Warlocks. By Dream Catcher Art.

Calling all Wizzerds, Witches and Warlocks. By Dream Catcher Art.
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The listing, Calling all Wizzerds, Witches and Warlocks. By Dream Catcher Art. has ended.

A little spell or just a favorite look whatever the needs how can you resist not to have one. :) This is bright colors the cord glows in the dark and the beeds do also. I just made them I thought they was cute I wish I could keep them all they are so awsome.These Necklaces are very populer.

Winner gets to pick one. Can pic a charm if i have the charm requsted can put on otherwise I dont have it to put on. This will also come in a Dream Catcher Art (my business name) Gift box.

I Ship on Fridays, inless I dont have to wait for anouther auction to end but dont count on it. Fridays Deffinitly shipping for me.

If you would like to buy one please visit my facebook page called Dream Catcher Art by Tigras. Please if buying do not say one thing then change ur mind and want anouther thing. I have ordered charms to have then some one back out of it then.

I can then look for a charm you requested (if I dont have it only for buyers).
I can make it just the way you want as long as I have or can find the stuff at the store.
So if your interested in buying for a small price check out facebook.
Please when e-mailing me let me know what your talking about I also make Dream Catchers.
Give me time im a very bussy woman will answer all questions. Thanks again. Visit my other auctions and have a great day. :D.

DO NOT ASK (to make one) OR BID IF PLAN ON BACKING OUT AT LAST MIN. This is a wast of my time and every ones elses time, who would realy want to have one of these for themselfes

Do not get nast with me or my lisian fans friends bidders ect. if im in the middle of sending somthing and this happends I will ask you to request your credits back. This has happend to me with somthing else. This is Listias Rules this site will not work if we all can not get along.
Questions & Comments
free ship plz!!!!
Feb 8th, 2012 at 5:26:46 PM PST by
Im Sorry i can not offer this free shipping this is not just for the shipping cost at post office but also packaging it so it gets to your house in one pease not 1,000 peaces. again this would be like asking you to bid 4000 credits when i know you probley so not have it.
Feb 8th, 2012 at 6:23:54 PM PST by
Purple is all i got left will be willing to add a free gift to it as well good lick to all bidding will see you at the finish line. if you would like to order some please check me out on facebook at Dream Catcher Art i have a picture of a dragon up right now i colored i also do other stuff.
Feb 8th, 2012 at 10:03:33 PM PST by
I love these. They are very pretty. I am currently in a bidding war for them. :) I have been thinking of making perfume necklaces and I was wondering if you would be willing to share where you found the tiny bottles? I get it if you want to keep that as your secret. :) Thanks.
Feb 8th, 2012 at 10:26:01 PM PST by

Calling all Wizzerds, Witches and Warlocks. By Dream Catcher Art. is in the Jewelry & Watches | Other Jewelry & Watch Items category