Oh wow! xD That's a bit out of my credit range. But it's cool cause there's a site where you can learn this all for little to no cost. Videos and all :)
hello! there are 333 pages & it's broken up into chapters...Part 1: about baby sign language = 4 chapters, Part 2: getting started = 3 chapters, Part 3: now you're signing = 11 chapters, Part 4: signing for fun = 3 chapters...it's very easy to follow & informational...when you get to the signing vocabulary it shows the word, gives it in a sentence, & shows a picture & description of how to sign it... I used it with my daughter a bit & she picked up on simple signs like...bear, bed, baby, please, & thank you...hopes this help :)
haha turbonerd you are making me nervous! everytime you put down a new bid I do too! LOL! but now I've run out of credits SO if you top my credits then its all yours!
Bur I'll tell you what, how bout we stay in touch and when I am done with it, I will mail it to you for free? :) I have a 1 year old and it looks like your little one wont need to sign for a few months anyways. Sound like a plan?