Free: Shiney Silver Ring - Rings - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Shiney Silver Ring

Shiney Silver Ring
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The listing, Shiney Silver Ring has ended.

Says NVC on the inside. I looked it up and ended up with Nickel Vanadium Chrome. Real pretty!
If you pay using paypal, then please make it a gift and not purchased goods. Paypal takes too much money (my opinion) out of the amount you pay. I know Listia says not to do this, but you have my word if anything goes wrong, and I have to refund the money, it will be refunded as a gift without any problems from me. If you prefer to pay the "proper" way, then add an additional 50 cents to the amount you see here. I promise I will not split to another country on your postage money. LOL My paypal address is I am giving away a bunch of rings and will combine shipping on all that you win. If you get more than one, let me know so I can adjust the shipping charges. Do not send the money until we figure it all out first. Thanks.
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Feb 5th, 2012 at 4:04:07 PM PST by
Feb 6th, 2012 at 10:58:24 PM PST by

Shiney Silver Ring is in the Jewelry & Watches | Rings category