fanned and watching.. is this for any walmart store? i live in ontario canada and do the stores allow just the code or do u mail the card out? thanks for this auction
only question is, if u only give the code number will walmart take that? they usually scan the card to see how much is on it... so if i were to win this i would prefer the card be sent to me... would that be a problem hon? thanx for this auction xox Debi
am afraid to bid due to the walmart stores here in Canada use the card to swipe to see how much is left on the card and to make sure it's not fraudulent u have to have a card... they don't just accept that u have a code and type it in u need to have the card... so am leary on bidding but would love to have this ... thank u
wanna bid higher but need to know if u'll send the card so i can use it here in Canada anyone can take a code off someone's card and give it out... that's what the walmart store would say and then the person that owns the card hasn't got money on their card and wonders where it went!!! that's my only concern... will u mail the card?