I know how to unlock it that's how I unlocked my phone send me the phone Ima unlock it and send it back I already have an iPhone 7 I don't need ur iPhone 5
Bribanekyle is right, iCloud locked would mean stolen. Having a code lock is something different. If it's stolen, then it's useless. Apple MIGHT be able to get around a forgotten code, but that's a huge might. Really, this would more than likely only be usable for parts, guys. I'm not trying to be rude, just trying to save the seller a possible negative feedback when the buyer finds they can't do anything with the phone they've bought. I owned an iPhone for years, so I'm speaking from personal experience myself, but you can Google this and verify it for yourself if you don't believe me.
Also, if it's been reported stolen, and you do find a way to unlock it (as far as I can tell, this doesn't exist. Bigdaddydae's offer sounds a little suspicious to me, knowing this, and would make me think any unlocking they know about has to do with carrier, if it's not a straight ploy to get a phone someone else paid for), you can face jail time when it's tracked by the previous owner. You see, iCloud locked or not, when it turns on, the owner who had it locked can see it on their iCloud "Find My iPhone" feature and move from there. Just another kindly meant word of advice.