Oh, a black footed ferret, that explains a lot. They are wild, not domesticated, not for pets! But he still sounds like a great little guy. Did he have a name? And I read the story about the geese......You and my mom would get along SO well.......write her: debrabant1228@gmail.com.
well ferretboy, im fanning you back......back in the 60's people in tennessee had never heard of ferrets. One day my friend and I were in the big city of knoxville and this california hippy boy had one for sale, I love critters, just had to have that thing. I managed to get it back home but it was acting real squirrely so I let him just run the house free. When it got time for my husband to get home f rom work, I was frantic looking for that critter, I knew my ole man would be furiious I spent money on a pet. Well, i couldn't find it, my husband walked in, sat on the couch, put his arms on the back of the couch, still holding his lunch box in one hand, and asked how my day went. About that time, that ferret crawled up the back of the couch and was practically sitting on my husbands shoulder. I'll never forget the look of terror on his face when he turned his head to see what was nibbling at his ear, and then he screamed, I screamed, the ferret latched on to that ear and went round and round, and my husband went round and round, and the lunch bucket went round and round, and he almost left me that nite. ( the ferret survived, my marriage didn't) I love ferrets
LOL, yes you may. You know, that ferret got out of his cage one day, traveled around several blocks of the small hick town I lived in. He went up to peoples doors wanting in, One lady said she called the police, no one knew what it was. He came back home eventually. Caused quite a stir in Harriman Tenn. at that time. I eventually donated him to the Knoxville Zoo. He was a black footed ferret.