Well it just depends on her waist measurement, this one measures 15 inches in the waist, I can custom make them though so we may be able to work something out.
may i ask how your shipping? i only ask because i have shipped tutus before and even in a box they go first class for under $4.00 and that includes tracking....could you ship a cheaper way since this isn't fragile at all? you would get much much higher bids if you could do free shipping....but even making shipping more reasonable will boost bids for you. this is very prettty so i'm sure you'd hate to see it go for very low credits
we are just telling you because your basically giving this away for free so someone will pay shipping...when you could just pay the few bucks it will cost to ship(which isn't anywhere near what is being charged) and you would get thousands of credits in return for this. I assume like everyone else on listia you would like to have credits to bud on items you want so thats the best way to get them. only pointing this out because your kinda doing yourself a dis-service by letting this go for way below what it could get you. it'll prob end aroun 300-600(maybe) and it could get you up to 5000 if you did free shipping.
omg people it's only $6 shipping sheesssshhhhh if you don't wanna pay than don't bid... but it took this lady time & $ to make the tutu I don't think $6 is a lot to ask... I think it's plenty fair... GOOD LUCK on ur auction doll! I have a baby boy so can't bid lol but just wanted to say it's super cute!