Possibly the last bit maybe not idk... it says: 2 many times it seems we take 4 granted the 1s we love we wait 4 birthdays holidays or some other special occasion 2 say I love u I appreciate u or thnk u we let life carry us away on a neverending road filled with the responsibilities of a day 2 day existence in r busy lives we often 4get that there's more along the way than just bills 2 pay phone call 2 return n errands 2 run there r ppl in r lives who need 2 b hugged who need 2 b loved there r ppl who need accomplishments noticed n praised we need 2 remember how fragile hearts can b how quickly a soul can grow weary howf ast a spirit can break 4give me 4 4getting that a heart is like a garden that needs 2 b tended 2 n nourished with what only another heart can give love n appreciation devotion n honesty thank u 4 loving me n 4 putting up with me I appreciate u not only 4 what u have dun but 4 what u have bcome n what we r 2gether I'm proud of u n I'm proud 2 b with u even when the road of life bcomes a lil 2 curvy or a lil 2 long I love u n I want u 2 always remember that