Hi, I know it says yoga pants in the tag but they look like they are the looser fitting type of pants if you know what I mean. I wear the yoga pants all the time because I gained weight and thats all I fit into basically LOL but I thought they were all snug fitting or tight really. I'm trying to think if I should bid.
Wow, Hello neighbor! You're the first person in all these years of being on here that I've came across who lives so close to me. I am in West Seneca. Love your auction. I really wish I had came across these earlier. Of course I am just now getting ready to list things too and only have 200,000 points. I have a dresser just for PINK clothes but my tops/hoodies far out weigh bottoms and I just live these ones. Thinking that I need to buy some points.. Definitely hitting fan button. Have a nice day!