10 is 5% of 200. If you're going to use a calculator, use it correctly. 50 * 0.05 = 2.5 0.05 is also 5%. 10 is 20% of 50. Even if there are 80 cards, 4 rares (5%) is still quite few...
Which supplement do they come from? is it first print runs like alpha and beta? or are we dealing with the newer sets like scars of mirridon and innistrad?
Dude I don't know if the way this is listed is Legit? If its tiered as it seem the seller wanted it to be , but did not list that way? I want to know what the rare lands are ?
you can not put a 1000 credit reserve on an auction! that would defeat the whole purpose of having an auction. if you want to sell these cards go to craigslist or ebay. I have blocked you for being a bad seller! I wouldn't buy from this guy if I were you!