Free: Atomic Red Carrots 100+ seed - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Atomic Red Carrots 100+ seed

Atomic Red Carrots 100+ seed
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The listing, Atomic Red Carrots 100+ seed has ended.

75 days. Full of cancer-fighting Lycopene, these carrots look as good as they taste! Super-nutritious and made for cooking, Atomic Red is the most exciting carrot of the season!

These long, tapered roots reach 8 to 11 inches long. When you unearth them, they are a disapppointingly dull shade of pink. But don't despair! Just clean them off and either bake, steam, or boil them. Immediately they turn brilliant scarlet, improving not only in appearance but also in flavor.

Full of cancer-fighting Lycopene.

PLANTING: The key to carrot production is advance soil preparation. If you do nothing else, work the soil to loosen and enrich. Incorporate compost or other organic matter such as core, well rotted manure, shredded leaf mulch. Loosen, and work soil to at least 12”. Remove all rocks, clods, garden trash and weeds.

Maintain an even soil moisture level at all times. Thin carefully to get the most uniformly sized carrots. When the plants have 7-10 leaves, cover with soil around crowns to prevent green shoulders.

Direct sow March through July. Carrot seedlings do not transplant well. Cover the seed with vermiculite or sifted compost.

To get long straight carrots, carefully space to 2” apart.

Loosen soil to 12" before sowing seed.
Questions & Comments
Save some seed to plant in late summer for the sweetest cool season harvest.
Apr 9th, 2017 at 9:23:23 AM PDT by

Atomic Red Carrots 100+ seed is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category