Free: CHASING GRAVEYARD GHOSTS: Investigations of Haunted & Hallowed Ground - new softcover - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: CHASING GRAVEYARD GHOSTS: Investigations of Haunted & Hallowed Ground - new softcover

CHASING GRAVEYARD GHOSTS: Investigations of Haunted & Hallowed Ground - new softcover
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The listing, CHASING GRAVEYARD GHOSTS: Investigations of Haunted & Hallowed Ground - new softcover has ended.

Angry ghosts, malevolent red-eyed orbs, graveyard statues that come to life . . . Take a spine-tingling tour of haunted graveyards, from an incredibly active vampire burial site to Voodoo Queen Marie Laveaux's wishing tomb. Paranormal investigator Melba Goodwyn explores the ghostly phenomena, spooky legends, and frightful folklore associated with cemeteries. Fortified with her own hair-raising experiences, she offers insights into the graveyard ghosts and guardians, spirited statues, bizarre tombstone inscriptions, portals linking other dimensions, and ghost passageways. There's also practical guidance for those who wish to investigate the many mysteries-paranormal and otherwise-that cemeteries hold., Vampires, voodoo queens, aliens, and clown ghosts--what secrets are buried in forgotten graveyards and hidden along corpse roads.

Author: Melba Goodwyn
ISBN: 9780738721262
Pages: 312

This book is from a smoking/pet home but stored in a non-smoking/no pets location.

My auctions are open to adults with US addresses, starting at zero, no GIN with free shipping. Requests for changes shall not be considered.
Questions & Comments
This is a great ghost book.
Apr 9th, 2017 at 2:49:04 PM PDT by
I understand that it has been very popular on this site.
Apr 9th, 2017 at 3:10:06 PM PDT by

CHASING GRAVEYARD GHOSTS: Investigations of Haunted & Hallowed Ground - new softcover is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category