Free: BLOSSOM Jeweled Clutch Wallet Checkbook Holder Yorkshire Terrier [PLEASE READ EVERYTHING] - Wallets & Accessories - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: BLOSSOM Jeweled Clutch Wallet Checkbook Holder Yorkshire Terrier [PLEASE READ EVERYTHING]

BLOSSOM Jeweled Clutch Wallet Checkbook Holder Yorkshire Terrier [PLEASE READ EVERYTHING]
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The listing, BLOSSOM Jeweled Clutch Wallet Checkbook Holder Yorkshire Terrier [PLEASE READ EVERYTHING] has ended.

New with tags,

Blossom Collection

Yorkshire Terrier

Clutch Wallet

Checkbook Holder

Clear ID Window

11 Credit Card Slots

Multiple Cash / Receipt Pockets

Back Zipper Slot

7-1/4" X 3-1/2"

Please make sure that you will be complete the entire transaction before bidding on this item.
Once you bid on it, it is assumed that you agree on all the terms in this auction page.
Serious bidders only. I will not cancel a mistake bid for you.

Paypal is the preferred payment method.
After shipping payment is received items usually ship out in 2-3 business days via US First Class Mail.
Insurance may be purchased separately

Plus I nor can ship them free so you will be required to pay the shipping cost here.$9.85

Which this will need to be sent to my pay pal account.

If I have to send you many emails asking for the shipping charge then you still DO NOT PAY I WILL BE FORCE TO RELIST AND NO CREDITS RETURN TO YOU.

Note : on this if you do not pay due to some odd reason then first you had not read everything before placing the bid and second you are trying to cause problems when you lose your credit points cause you couldn`t go by some simple rules. Not trying to be rude or ugly here .But some just bid to cause problems.

Send shipping cost to my pay pal account link:

if you cant read this i will type in large letters and break it down for you

LAZY R FARM [dot] SARA @ GMAIL [dot] com
when paying make small letters and don`t forget the dot between farm and sara

Thanks for watching and bidding and fanning me
May the lord be with us all
Questions & Comments
OMG...So wanted this but then seen the shipping and husband said heck no..he said it does not cost that much to mail a wallet we know cause we mailed one it should only be about 3.00 1st class!!!!SRRY MAYBE IF U DOFREE SHIPPING OR LOWER IT I COULD GO AFTER IT BUT DID FANN YA
Feb 17th, 2012 at 4:55:07 PM PST by
says I am fans of 1000 so with Lisita they have a rule of how many fans you can have.
Feb 17th, 2012 at 6:35:40 PM PST by
sorry made a mistake in the price it suppose had said 6.95 but this is the same price I paid when it was shipped to me.Which I buy and sell on eBay for over 7 years.All post offices don`t charge the same I do know this.I can drop down to 4.95 but can`t go no lower.Cause I will have to pay the difference and I don`t get much money after bills are paid for with my month to month check.
Feb 17th, 2012 at 6:31:48 PM PST by
cant fan you cause I am at my limit they say now.
Feb 17th, 2012 at 6:34:06 PM PST by
ok thank it isso much better....I so understand my parents are the same way!!!!!
Feb 17th, 2012 at 10:32:28 PM PST by
your very welcome.
Last year before my husband died I was able to send everything free shipping.But after he died , my extra income was gone, and had to move from the place I was renting.Now only get by each month.I still like to give things to others just I have to charge shipping now.
Feb 17th, 2012 at 11:15:40 PM PST by
we have 2 yorkies n there are baby girls!!!!they sleep above my head on my on my husbands but more
Feb 19th, 2012 at 11:04:43 PM PST by
mine sleep with me under the cover and all three fight for room for their head on my pillow ,so I got a king size pillow to so that problem.
Feb 20th, 2012 at 2:04:34 PM PST by
I have 3 mom, dad and baby they also sleep with me.Plus a bull dog pup I raised with a baby bottle since he was 3 days old.
Feb 20th, 2012 at 7:05:28 AM PST by

BLOSSOM Jeweled Clutch Wallet Checkbook Holder Yorkshire Terrier [PLEASE READ EVERYTHING] is in the Clothing, Shoes & Accessories | Wallets & Accessories category