Kevin, I don't read AT ALL . The ONLY reason I bought these were bcs I try to cater to ALL lovers of different items. This may sound crazy, but I'm totally ignorant to reading book & authors. I know very lil bout them. When I got the subscription they offer the books that are most popular & new, those are the ones I try to get. I'm sorry I can't answer ur question, but I'm sure if u go to their website that u would find it there...Doubleday Book club. thanks for visiting my pg & hope u bid....fanned u!
Ok, I'm looking and I see nothing about first edition. I see copyright 2011, its the 3rd one of the saga, and what the book iss about. I've looked on the first couple of pgs and in the back where it has "about the author", and still I don't see anything that says anything about what edition it is. I tried.
On the book fire, can u tell me which one it is in that series, ive read a couple of the series but not sure which one this is, i know i read the one with the g on it, but not sure if i have read this one
Its the one with the "F" on the front. I hv no idea bout this series, I bought it bcs it was the newest book by james & it was my preferred selection. I personally don't read. I try to buy them for the book readers. U may be able to go to Doubleday book club and find that answer bcs thats where I bought it from. Hope that helps u hon. good luck & fanned u.