Free: Popcorn from 10 different ears of corn - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Popcorn from 10 different ears of corn

Popcorn from 10 different ears of corn
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The listing, Popcorn from 10 different ears of corn has ended.

Will send you 150 seeds I grew from a friend's popcorn labeled "marbled heirloom". I'll take some from each of at least 10 different ears of popcorn that I saved in fall, 2015. Crazy cool colors. Have mainly used ears for decorating by have popped some....with "mixed" results.

Plus, please check out my other seed listings. I like to mail as much to one person at a time as I can.
Thanks and happy growing.
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Popcorn from 10 different ears of corn is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category