Free: Johnson's Foot Soap "soaks away foot misery" 2 packets. Ahhhh.. relax! - Other Health & Beauty Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Johnson's Foot Soap "soaks away foot misery" 2 packets. Ahhhh.. relax!

Johnson's Foot Soap "soaks away foot misery" 2 packets. Ahhhh.. relax!
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The listing, Johnson's Foot Soap "soaks away foot misery" 2 packets. Ahhhh.. relax! has ended.

This is one of my all-time favorite products! I am putting some on Listia pretty much to expose other people to it. :) They come in a box with many individual packets. It says "soothes tired, aching feet, softens corns and calluses, relieves itching and burning." I find it's just plain relaxing and makes my feet feel soft! It also says you can add it to your bath for an all-over refreshing experience, but I've not tried it as I'm not really into baths, Warning on the label - if you are diabetic or have poor circulation DO NOT USE except under advice of a doctor.

Since it seems that I would use 2 stamps for one packet, I may as well send 2 for the same 2 stamps! Good luck to the bidders and thanks for looking. :)
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Johnson's Foot Soap "soaks away foot misery" 2 packets. Ahhhh.. relax! is in the Health & Beauty | Other Health & Beauty Items category