Free: Support your Troops or Endometriosis Awareness come tell your story & bid - Bracelets - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Support your Troops or Endometriosis Awareness come tell your story & bid

Support your Troops or Endometriosis Awareness  come tell your story & bid
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The listing, Support your Troops or Endometriosis Awareness come tell your story & bid has ended.

I suffer from Endometriosis our support color is the same as the troops. This disease cause me a world of trouble pain and sleep less night. So I just wanted to auction off this bracelet in the name of all the ladies who have been affected! Come share your troop story or Endometriosis story please keep it brief as possible!


I do combine shipping on jewelry up to 3 pieces. so go put u some jewelry out at no extra charge.

I only ship once a week

smoke and pet free home

please look at my other auction

Serious bidders only please! I will not return your credit unless something happens unforeseen and then it's up to my discretion. Thanks I'm easy to work with and very honest.

If you want GIN please pm me!

Questions & Comments
wish I had the money to pay for shipping. I'm sorry you suffer from endo. I do too and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. hope you feel better.
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 1:34:28 AM PST by
Ty hun I hope you feel better to. I've had 8 surgeries for it is your bad? Fanning you!
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 2:11:20 AM PST by
thank you. wow that's a lot. I was just diagnosed back in September after 7 years of being told it was just painful menstrual cramps. I don't have insurance right now so I can't really do much for the problems it's causing me. I have 2 cysts on my right ovary and It feels like there may be some starting on my left now as well. did the surgeries help? have you had anything come back? what all did they did they do, if you don't mind me asking?
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 2:16:09 AM PST by
Well they laser about 6 times. I even went to Dr Albee them in Atlanta were he excision the endo that suppose to be the best thing to do for it. I only get like three months relief from all the surgeries each time. I was diagnosed at 15 and had my first surgery then to. I'm 34 now still hoping to have a kid but my next step is to have it all removed and they think it still won't provide much relief. Mine came back each time they went back in there. I have problems with cyst also had to have emergency surgery for that. I know how it is not to have insurance it's hard shoot it's hard when you do have it you have go threw all the red tape. Anywho hun I talked your ear off ty for stopping by to share your story stay in touch.
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 2:33:22 AM PST by
wow that's crazy. you would think the surgery would of helped but with endo it just keeps coming back. I had a cyst rupture in July before I was diagnosed. it was so painful. it was almost unbearable. I had to deal with the pain for 10 days before I can deal with it. after that one ruptured I was cramping for almost 2 months and then went to the e.r. my cousin in law told me to get checked for endo and come to find out my grandma had it as well. she had a full hipster e
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 2:38:46 AM PST by
It's hard to get a proper diagnose for this because they only way they can be for sure is to operate. My sister fought out first then I was next she don't have problems with hers she's had two kids and a hipster gotta steal your word! Big hugs to you :)
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 12:52:21 PM PST by
hysterectomy by the age of 48. but when I went to the hospital I got diagnosed the same as always. just painful cramps. I went to the doctor and she figured it out and had me sent in for ultrasounds. just wish I could get insurance an try to get it taken care if. well now that I talked your ear off too (sorry about that lol) do you take concealed cash for shipping by any chance?
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 2:41:51 AM PST by
Oh man wow keep you in my prayers hunny bun and yes I accept concealed cash.
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 12:48:50 PM PST by
thank you and same to you. well I might be able to work something out after I ship all my auctions out.
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 2:08:41 PM PST by
k hun if not that's ok just ty for stopping by to share your story :)
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 4:08:23 PM PST by
your welcome and thank you for sharing with me and answering my questions. it was nice to hear someone else's story and experiences with this.
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 4:11:22 PM PST by
:) It is!
Feb 23rd, 2012 at 4:23:21 PM PST by
whats the youngest age for
Feb 24th, 2012 at 9:54:57 PM PST by
Feb 25th, 2012 at 12:04:02 AM PST by
do you know the age range for endo or is it just any female?
Feb 24th, 2012 at 9:55:35 PM PST by
It usually starts whenever a girl starts her period but have heard ladies or girls having problem before. My monthly start at 9 and was double hockey sticks e-l-l from the start. It's hard for ladies to get diagnosed and some don't find out until they try to have a baby and have trouble or till they get a hysterectomy. Menopause suppose to make it better. So I hope that answer you question. Ty 4 stopping by u rock!
Feb 25th, 2012 at 12:02:08 AM PST by
oh ok. thank you (:
Feb 25th, 2012 at 4:22:59 AM PST by
Feb 25th, 2012 at 4:31:38 AM PST by

Support your Troops or Endometriosis Awareness come tell your story & bid is in the Jewelry & Watches | Bracelets category