Realized i had posted a lot of great stuff for a bunch if different stuff except the game I'm still currently playing so I decided I'd post something pretty cool for all the mtg fans out there
So many cool combo decks when your playing the older formats I'll usually look up a single effect and be like this is cool and make a deck out of just using that one card effect I find it makes games seem more simple for the other player but my build still have a purpose great for introducing new players
You guys are both pretty active members here on listia what's your pediction for this auction as a matter of fact anyone can place there prediction for this auctions final bid in the comments
Well me, my wife, and my step son and daughter all play. So we have 4 standard decks running. 1 step son is all black zombies, 2 daughter is red white ( boros ) exert and has been undefeated at fnm and standard showdown, 3 my wife is running esper control 4 i am running grixis control.
Suprisingly Zombies won pro tour there super legit 2 red white exert seems so legit with all this amonkhet stuff I can believe how it's dping so well Esper control that must be that torrential gearhulk nonsense gosh....he's so good lol what color is the espeon and grixis guild I forget
He's so good if we're being honest what's hilarious though about his value at like 27 I think hes a 6 drop and ghats saying turn 6 which sounds kinda wild that abother player is always that confident he can play out till he can cast that and not lose to the loads of agro decks damn mother may I BS lol (or burn spells strict removal)