Free: Postcard "Russian infantry of 1812" - Other Trading Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Postcard "Russian infantry of 1812"

Postcard "Russian infantry of 1812"
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The listing, Postcard "Russian infantry of 1812" has ended.

In the lot - one postcard.

Sending free only to the confirmed (verified) address.

Letters from Russia go a long way (25 or 40 days)
Because it's a very slow postal service in Russia.
If You do not want to wait long, do not bid on the lot.

If You give me a negative answer or neutral, You will be blocked.

I wish everyone success!

Postcard size: 10,5 sm X 15 sm or 4 inches X 6 inches

Publishing House "Pictorial art" Moscow 1987

Contents of the text translation on the postcard:

"1. A ranker soldier and staff officer of the Life Guards of the Preobrazhensky Regiment

Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment, one of the first two
Regiments of the Russian Guard (the second - Semenovsky), which was
formed in the 90s of the XVII century from the amusing troops of Peter I.
(The hobby of the Russian Tsar Peter I (the Great) in childhood was military
games that looked like real military exercises, but his army was formed from
his peers, children and adolescents)
  In 1812 three battalions of the regiment were in the 1st Western
The army, commanded by the general of the Infantry M.B.Barklay
De Tolly. The regiment commander was Major-General G.V.Rozen.
  August 26, 1813, the Life Guards to the Preobrazhensky regiment
Were awarded the St. George's banners with the inscription "For the manifested
Feats in the battle of August 18, 1813 at Kulma. "Kulm
(Modern Chlumec) - a village in the Czech Republic, which occurred
Battle between the Allied army (Russian, Prussian and Austrian
Troops) and the French corps general-lieutenant Vandamma.
Under the town of Kulm, the French lost up to ten thousand killed and wounded, 12
Thousands of prisoners, 84 guns, the whole convoy. In captivity was himself
The losses of the Allies amounted to about ten thousand people.
The victory at Kulm inspired the soldiers of the allied armies, at the same
time Napoleon was forced to retreat to the city of Leipzig, where the French
suffered a crushing defeat."

Questions & Comments
Continuation of the translation of the text posted on the postcard:

"The uniforms for guardsmen were sewed from the best cloth, differed
They are elegant and subtle. No matter how the details change
Clothes of the Russian soldier of the Preobrazhensky regiment depending on
Time, conditions of war, fashion, but at the core there has always been a tradition
Petra I is a dark green uniform with a red trim. From January
In 1812 for the whole army they introduced collars on hooks, the shako became
Lower than the former, with a large "collapse" (widened upward).
Headquarters officers wore epaulettes with a thin fringe. Private were
Armed with flintlock guns of caliber 17.7 mm, with trihedral
Bayonets, the range of the battle of 300 steps and sword-half-sabers.
Staff officers relied on pistols and swords."
Jun 8th, 2017 at 11:05:12 AM PDT by
Wow!!! Thank you for this beautiful postcard as well as the history details! Much appreciated. I think this postcard calls my name... :)
Jun 17th, 2017 at 2:58:57 PM PDT by
Good luck:)
Jun 17th, 2017 at 4:45:18 PM PDT by

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