update: its come to my attention that offering cod shipping would be unjust. i have set the shipping rate based upon how uch a smaller item cost me to ship. please accept the shipping price if you bid and if you dont like the shipping costs i apologize to you. thank you all and have a great day.
I can't believe people would be arguing about your shipping rate! If they don't want to pay it, don't flippin' bid! Use your brain people! Great auction, can't even buy one of these movies for cost of shipping. Fanned and watching!
bidding n fanned. dont let people bully u into lowering prices. times are hard and u dont need to cut urself short. they are still getting it for a kick ass price if they had to pay shipping. thanks for posting this to share!
It's a great deal and the shipping is very reasonable. Thanks for sharing and I will be bidding on this! Please don't feel discouraged by greedy people who can't appreciate what a good deal you are offering! :)
hidden comments are mostly about shipping arguments. i have reduced the shipping cost and am firm on the shipping price based on shipping cost and delivery confirmation. so please stop asking for free shipping or a further reduction in the price of shipping. im not here to turn profit if i wanted to do that i would be using other means to sell this. thanks again and have a great day
i can get you the actual photos.. ill have to find a way to take the pictures i dont have a digital camera its why i used the internet photos. as far as shipping goes.. it cost me 7 dollars to send a watch so i figured this is heavier and will cost more. ... if i can ship C.O.D. i will ship cod for exact shipping amount. just whichever you prefer.
i understnd that everyone is on a tight budget just like me and would have offered free shipping but right now i cant even afford that things are rough and im looking for a second job just to make ends meet