The listing, ✿'Impatiens' also known as "Busy Lizzie" ✿ has ended.
☆ Please Read the Fine Print:☆
You will get 1 teaspoonfull of Impatiens Wallerina seeds + Inert organic matter that contains at least 8 tiny black seeds.
Impatiens also known as "Buzy Lizzie" is a beautiful annual that makes an excellent houseplant or summer bush, seeds shoot out of its pods when ripe (the slightest touch can make a ripe impatiens seed pod burst open and scatter its seeds). Impatiens like shade and moisture. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Exp. December, 2017.
Prolific re-seeder.
Bush Mix Seed Mixture: 1 tsp.
Height: 8-14"
Sow: Early Spring.
Blooms: Spring to Late Summer.
Tolerance: Both Sun and Shade in equal measure.
Colors: Assorted white, red, pink, violet, coral and purple.
Zones: All
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*Happy Planting!!*
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