Free: Can't choose one? Then don't! - Rings - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Can't choose one? Then don't!

Can't choose one? Then don't!
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The listing, Can't choose one? Then don't! has ended.

You see these rings up all the time. Normally you can only choose one. Well why bid on three different auctions when you can bid for three rings in just one?

That's right, you don't have to decide which to spend your hard earned credits on, or spend all them in three separate auctions, not sure you'll get the one you want.

Only want one color? Resell the other two! It's win-win-win!!!

White gold plating with cubic zarconia
7 (purple)
8 (green)
9 (blue)

(Boxes only included if this reaches 500,000, extra ring if it reaches 1 million)
Questions & Comments
Beautiful rings. And 3. Wow magnificent auction. 5 STARS
Jun 27th, 2017 at 3:40:22 PM PDT by
Jun 27th, 2017 at 8:06:17 PM PDT by
You are a very wise seller. They are all beautiful and you're right I could not make up my mind which one I would want. Thank you so much I'll be watching have a wonderful day.
Jun 27th, 2017 at 2:23:06 PM PDT by
Jun 27th, 2017 at 3:33:17 PM PDT by
I saw someone do an auction like this, and I wanted to try it.
Jun 27th, 2017 at 8:07:09 PM PDT by
You are great seller I had to other grains and a purple rain that I was watching I deleted them and now I'm just watching yours whoever wins this is going to be very happy and you are a very good seller thank you so much God bless you and yours, Minister Karoli
Jul 2nd, 2017 at 4:13:30 PM PDT by
Thanks. I will probably do another one like this at some point. Why did you stop watching the other ones?
Jul 2nd, 2017 at 4:18:10 PM PDT by
Because I can get three of my most favorite colors for right here in one spot. The way you explained your option maybe feel like you're a very kind and loving person and that you have a big heart.
Jul 2nd, 2017 at 4:25:33 PM PDT by
Your auction will make someone very happy. I am sure it will get up over the credits I have. I wish you all good luck!
Jul 3rd, 2017 at 10:49:48 AM PDT by
Honestly, these rings aren't that expensive. I will probably get more.
Jul 3rd, 2017 at 11:34:03 AM PDT by

Can't choose one? Then don't! is in the Jewelry & Watches | Rings category