Free: FREE GATORADE up to $10 exp 12/31/12 - Other - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: FREE GATORADE up to $10 exp 12/31/12

FREE GATORADE up to $10 exp 12/31/12
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The listing, FREE GATORADE up to $10 exp 12/31/12 has ended.

This coupon is for up to $10.00 value per coupon. This coupon Expires on 12/31/2012. The Coupon value is not to exceed the actual purchase price.

••I have personally used these coupons with the best value at my local stores .Please check with your individual store policy first on the use of FREE manufacturer coupons.

This coupon is a double sided, original manufacturer's coupon (NOT an internet coupon) for a value of up to $10.00 each!!
Note: You, the buyer, are responsible for any additional sales tax when you use these coupons to make your purchases.

The coupons are free. You are bidding for my time to locate, organize and mail it to you. It costs me $1.64 to mail this within the lower 50 states with delivery confirmation.

•••• Disclaimer: I am NOT an authorized dealer or associate of any of the brands or manufacturers offered in my auctions. All trademarks and logos mentioned are used for identification purposes only and are registered trademarks of their respective owners who reserve the rights of ownership. The use of any product name mentioned in this auction is not intended to suggest that the company, trademark, or logo is affiliated or endorses these auctions in any way.

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FREE GATORADE up to $10 exp 12/31/12 is in the Other Stuff | Other category