thanks good luck to you as well...and will you be able to ship monday...i have 5000 points backing up my bid .....i dont think ne1 wants it that but hey if they do better for you ..great auction though fanning you looking forward to more great deals:)
Yes I will put it in the mail tomorrow morning... so depending where you are at you should have it by the end of next week! Thanks for your support and I highly doubt it goes over 5000 :0 I may be putting up some more SRH stuff and possibly some Metal Mulisha...
Wow! I did not mean to bid that high. I really dont understand the biding prosess on here. Sorry Jared maybe u can bid higher and get it cause I dont know how to bid to save my life lol...
lol nice one bro u hit the max bid nd im sorry i was bluffin i dont have 5000 back up i was bluffing thanks but i cant try to get some more points if you really want out of this auvtion but i wasnt really lookin to pay over 3000
the propper way to bid is not to bid till the last ten mins just watch it and see how high it goes then at the last ten or five mins then you have to type in the box how much you are willing to spend say if its allready 555 then put maybe 1000 note:you will not pay 1000 unless someone tries to out bid you but since i put 2480 you kept bidding untill you beat and that meansyou ended up bidding so if it says u have been outbid it means the highest bidder has backed up his or her bid with more credits so either pay more for the item or back off....#1 rule know what u are willing to pay when you go into the auction and never bid untill the last ten or five mins or else all ur gonna do is make someone pay more for the same item....they will out bid you in the last ten mins and you might get lucky and someone willl do just that if they want this item bad enough but its not worth over 3000 in my opinion
i got you man i wont let you commit bid come down off that ledge!!!!!!!!!! i really wanted this item hope kno1 else steals it