Amber is technically not a gemstone or mineral, but a fossilized sap from prehistoric trees that has aged over the course of millions of years.
They aid the emotions and creates a more positive outlook on life. Their role within the sacral chakra means that it this a strong stone to help you to enhance your creativity.
Amber stone has many wonderful qualities for healing the physical and emotional body.
By releasing negativity it will balance the emotions as it clears the mind and eases stress.
The agate can't change emotions, but helps to change our level of acceptance of the emotion. Such as when you are very sad the agate will let you know that this will pass and help you get on to another and better day. This is why the Agate is considered so powerful as it gives us the strength to carry on. Carry an agate when you have to make an important decision.
Tourmaline aids in understanding oneself and others. It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear. Tourmaline attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. It is believed to strengthen the body and spirit, especially may regenerate the nervous system, blood, and lymphs. It is also thought to inspire creativity and was used extensively as a talisman by artists and writers.
This super lucky stone has the luck of both the quartz and tourmaline. The luck in this stone is very strong. Many use it by rubbing it when powerful luck is needed.
Healing Reiki Victorian Gothic Shabby Chic Wicca Wiccan Altar Pagan Witch