All right thanks! I don't expect this to even get above 10 points even if I was verrified, I had this in my inventory on steam for awhile, and never traded it, so just putting it on here hopeing to get seller wings or whatever its called!
It's a steam gift, if you don't know what steam is it's a seller of pc games, via download, which this is a gift copy of the dlc to the game, so i will send it via steam, which if you have the game and not the DLC you can use this on it...Or you can keep it in your inventory to trade on steam trading
Might wanna mention they can't redeem it unless they also have the game itself. Steam's a lil funky like that, doesn't let you redeem dlc until you own the game lol
To get it, no, to redeem it yes... So you can always give it away to friend or random person. Or trade it in steam trading, whatever you wanna do, as once it's given to you its yours ;)
Well, every once in a while there's THAT kinda guy, that has no clue what he's bidding. He wins, he can't use it, he freaks out, he complains, etc etc. Happens to me every once in a while. Ugh. :s