Free: 1940s MARCH of DIMES Fight Birth Defects member contributor donor lapel pocket tab pin button - Antiques - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 1940s MARCH of DIMES Fight Birth Defects member contributor donor lapel pocket tab pin button

1940s MARCH of DIMES Fight Birth Defects member contributor donor lapel pocket tab pin button
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The listing, 1940s MARCH of DIMES Fight Birth Defects member contributor donor lapel pocket tab pin button has ended.

Offered is an approximately 1 1/8" lithographed Original JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES FIGHT-BIRTH DEFECTS member contributor donor campaign lapel or pocket tab, pin, pinback or button.

This was likely a 1940s tab as it came with others from that period.
Questions & Comments
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For about twenty years prior to July, 1958, the March of Dimes goal was to eradicate Polio. On 7-22-58 they announced that the success of Jonas Salk's vaccine had accomplished their goal, and they were now going forward to fight birth defects. So, I would guess the pin is from a campaign in the late 50's/early 60's.(I recently volunteered for a number of years with M.O.D. Bikers for Babies, and they're a great organization, no matter what they're fighting!) Good luck with the auction!
Mar 14th, 2012 at 6:24:32 PM PDT by
Thanks for taking time to share the history. Much appreciated! Always great to know the stories behind the historical items. It was a tough time when you consider the numbers of children affected by polio and in some cases the iron lungs they endured to survive.
Mar 15th, 2012 at 7:10:21 AM PDT by

1940s MARCH of DIMES Fight Birth Defects member contributor donor lapel pocket tab pin button is in the Antiques category