FREE: 1940s MARCH of DIMES Fight Birth Defects member contributor donor lapel pocket tab pin button
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The listing, 1940s MARCH of DIMES Fight Birth Defects member contributor donor lapel pocket tab pin button has ended.
Offered is an approximately 1 1/8" lithographed Original JOIN THE MARCH OF DIMES FIGHT-BIRTH DEFECTS member contributor donor campaign lapel or pocket tab, pin, pinback or button.
This was likely a 1940s tab as it came with others from that period.
Questions & Comments
For about twenty years prior to July, 1958, the March of Dimes goal was to eradicate Polio. On 7-22-58 they announced that the success of Jonas Salk's vaccine had accomplished their goal, and they were now going forward to fight birth defects. So, I would guess the pin is from a campaign in the late 50's/early 60's.(I recently volunteered for a number of years with M.O.D. Bikers for Babies, and they're a great organization, no matter what they're fighting!) Good luck with the auction!
Thanks for taking time to share the history. Much appreciated! Always great to know the stories behind the historical items. It was a tough time when you consider the numbers of children affected by polio and in some cases the iron lungs they endured to survive.