Free: 2 x small bottle of Holy Water - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 2 x small bottle of Holy Water

2 x small bottle of Holy Water
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The listing, 2 x small bottle of Holy Water has ended.

Holy Water used to consecrate witch crafting tools and spell casting areas, also for cleansing amulets etc.

I have been asked several times if I can put some smaller bottle of Holy Water, so here are 2 vials. Please make sure that the crystals remain in the bottom of the vials if you replenish the Holy Water, these have been specially blessed and activate the water.

Ask any questions before bidding, no buyers remorse
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Anyone not paying for their winning auction, will be
banned from any future of my auctions, sorry, but when
people do this its unfair to others that have bid

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Please contact me, I will help where I can.

Blessed Be and Happy Bidding
Questions & Comments
Thank you darlin'
Aug 29th, 2017 at 4:50:37 PM PDT by
Great auction :)
Sep 1st, 2017 at 7:34:11 AM PDT by
Your very kind. Thank you
Sep 1st, 2017 at 8:12:36 AM PDT by
Inquiring minds need to know. Are you Catholic and who blesses the water for you? Is this something you can do yourself? Thanks for your reply in advance.
Sep 8th, 2017 at 11:22:33 AM PDT by
No I'm not Catholic, but I am a Witch. The water is blessed by a ordained minister of the cloth, he has been a priest for over 45 years and is a close friend of mine, and believes in what I do. Can you bless it yourself, only if your ordained and full member of the church. A witch can bless other craft items, but Holy water is something totally different. You can buy so called Holy water on line, but unless you know where it originates from, I wouldn't bother to take great stock in its abilities to bless the items you are blessing and consecrating. I hope this answers your questions
Sep 8th, 2017 at 11:38:42 AM PDT by
Thanks for the immediate reply and the education. Best wishes on all your auctions. Cheers!!!
Sep 8th, 2017 at 11:43:49 AM PDT by
Thank you for the questions. Its always a pleasure to help people understand the "craft" a little better.
Sep 8th, 2017 at 11:45:39 AM PDT by

2 x small bottle of Holy Water is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category