My feedback should speak for itself. I will not and do not list or sell counterfeit coupons. I have listed many of these, as well as use them myself, and sell them on another site. To obtain them, you need to be a breeder.
I have won 6 of her coupons with GIN. I can assure you they are legit! You won't be disappointed with it! This one would be mine too if it were(2 with GIN). lol But still fanned & watching :)
oh no its not that, i KNOW the coupons are real, i bid and won two of them. its just that when i went to the pet store they asked if i could bring in a letter or envelope to reassure them that the coupons i was bringing in in the future were authentic, because they said they get sooo many fraudulent ones, it just helps them out. nothing against you.