Free: Organic Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) - I'm back - No applause necessary - 200+ Seeds (Lot 54) - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Organic Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) - I'm back - No applause necessary - 200+ Seeds (Lot 54)

Organic Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) - I'm back - No applause necessary - 200+ Seeds (Lot 54)
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The listing, Organic Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) - I'm back - No applause necessary - 200+ Seeds (Lot 54) has ended.

Seed Nov 2011 6-9 ft high
Use like spinach but easier to grow.
As hi in minerals as spinach, lettuce, cabbage
Good source micronutrients.

Wild Blessings -album/
2nd highest wild food nutrition. Amaranth #1
Use as spinach , salad, stir fry, soup, casserole. Grind seed to dark flour - make gruel/bread.
Leaves dry well, can reconstitute. Powder to make flour, mix w/ bit of water for tortilla
NUTRITION / 1/2 cup
Protein 19.6 gm
Fat 4.2 gm
Carb 57.7 gm
Fiber 27.1 gm
Calcium 1036 mg
Potassium 1687 mg
Niacin 3800 ug
Iron 64 mg
Protein 3.5 gm
Carb 5.5 gm
Calcium 324 mg
Potassium 684 mg
Beta Carotene 3800 ug
Niacin 1000 ug
Iron 1.5 mg
All parts - poultice for swelling, rheumatism, arthritis
Toothache - Chew raw
Gelatin cap w/ Lambsquarter a potent vitamin

--Grow throughout the US. Seedlings show mid/late spring usually before last frost. Some germinate into summer. 10-30% germinate this season. Most w/ varying dormancy. Rest germinate next season & next, etc. Some viable for decades.

- -Plant produces 30,000 -750,000+ seeds. Let one go to seed, next season you'll be harvesting 'em like miccrogreens or pulling 'em as weeds.

- -Easy to grow. Self sow readily.
- -When soil is no longer frozen prepare your seed bed. Germination increases w/ light, strong day & night temp fluctuation, & nitrogen so mix in compost, high nitrogen fertilizer or generous amount of coffee grounds (contain 2% nitrogen).
- -Seeds are tiny so to make it easier to broadcast evenly mix 'em with inert material (sand, vermiculite, sawdust, peat moss) slightly damp so seeds will stick (about 1/2 quart for each 10 sq. ft.) & broadcast.over area.
- -Best germination occurs on top of soil or at depth no greater than 1/10 inch so rake lightly or not at all. Transplant with almost no setback.
- -Once established they survive with no more watering unless there's drought.
Questions & Comments
. . . . . . . . . HARVESTING

. . . Leaves, stems, flower buds & seeds are all edible. Stems get tougher after the plant is about 2' high so from that point on you'll probably want to harvest only leaves & flower buds. Seeds need to be ground to be digestible & can be used as a dark flour.

. . . Keep the flower buds pulled unless you want seeds earlier in the season but make sure you let at least one plant go to seed for next years crop. You don't even have to save them because they'll self sow & you'll have beaucoup volunteers next year.
Mar 19th, 2012 at 7:16:12 PM PDT by
. . . . . . . . . . TESTIMONIAL

. . . I won some of these seeds from you a while back. they had a great sprouting return and now just transplanted into garden. can't wait to try lambs quarter for the first time! I've tried growing spinach with no luck. this was so easy to grow!
. . . Mar 10th, 2012 at 7:53:51 PM EST by dspann
Mar 19th, 2012 at 7:17:07 PM PDT by
. . . . . . . . . . BREAKING NEWS
- - - - The possessive apostrophe in "Lamb's quarters" has been removed in this & all future listings of the seeds. Why?
- - - -People unknown, claiming to be variously, representatives of rock groups named lamb, lawyers for Gwen Stefani's product line & the executor of the estate of Mary's Little Lamb (that it's deceased must be true - no little lamb could live that long) are demanding a percentage of the credits as royalties. They say the quarters belong to them.
Mar 19th, 2012 at 7:17:46 PM PDT by

. . . Welcome back & thanks for your bid. Let's hope the weather holds this time. Good luck. I'm rooting for ya.
Mar 20th, 2012 at 9:49:20 AM PDT by

. . . Welcome back & thanks for your bids. Good luck.
Mar 22nd, 2012 at 6:12:54 PM PDT by

. . . Welcome to this auction & thanks for your bid.

. . . Fanned you. Take that!
Mar 22nd, 2012 at 6:15:15 PM PDT by
i havent gotton around to plating mine yet..waiting for some warm weather again!!!but i have all my other seeds started and there doing..i love spring!!nice to see yr still around!!!
Mar 22nd, 2012 at 6:45:29 PM PDT by

Organic Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) - I'm back - No applause necessary - 200+ Seeds (Lot 54) is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category