The listing, HALL of FAME BABE RUTH, LOU GEHRIG and Much More! has ended.
1st and next to last Pic-2 Card Pk in original plastic, 2001 Topps Post Cereal Baseball Collectors Edition Hall of Fame 500 Home Run Card 1/8 Babe Ruth and 7/8 Mike Schmidt. (google pics)
2nd Pic-2 cards-Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig
Other Pics include;
2 Jimmie Foxx 1928
15 Johnny Evers 1929
21 Eddie Collins 1927
27 Ernie Lombardi 1932
39 Eppa Rixey 1923
43 Jesse Haines 1928
57 Christy Mathewson 1904
60 George Kelly 1925
62 Goose Goslin 1922 x2
75 Sam Gray 1932
77 Gene Moore 1936
79 Bill Knickerbocker 1937
93 Charlie Root 1926
94 Johnny Cooney 1937
96 Bob Johnson 1934
111 Lou Gehrig 1927 x2
113 Tony Lazzeri 1927
128 Bill Lee 1937
129 Gus Mancuso
130 Ray Blades 1930
145 Babe Ruth 1916
147 Larry Gardner 1916 x2
162 Del Pratt 1916
164 Zach Wheat 1916
165 Lefty O'Doul 1921
179 Heinie Mueller 1929
181 Lloyd Brown 1935
183 Max Bishop 1944
196 Guy Bush 1935
198 Wes Ferrell 1935
201 George H Burns 9/14/1923
309 George H Burns 1926
213 Paul Derringer 1936
215 Danny Macfayden 1936
219 Pat Malone 1928
230 Bobo Newsom 1938
232 Frank Snyder 1937
237 Zeke Bonura 1935
247 Sarge Connally 1933
249 Wally Schang 1936
255 Lefty Grove 1931
264 Taylor Douthit 1928
266 Mickey Cochrane 1934
273 Ed Walsh 1912
281 Sammy Byrd 1935
284 Muddy Ruel 1939
286 Fred Schulte 1932
289 John Stone 1934
291 Ira Flagstead 1925
315 Paul Waner 1927
317 Larry Doyle 1912
All are in original package or in 9 Pocket pages.
Over 50 Cards of the players who made baseball great.