U can look on the Usps.com website it costs 10.50 for medium and 15.75 for LARGE and the DIMENSIONS of that box are no where near big enough to fit, Leave ur comments off my listing you look highly unintelligent. NO offense .. Thats like me saying a 1$ burger on the DOLLAR MEnu at Mc donalds is 25 cents, Truly false misleading WORTHLESS information you shared with us. Thanks :D
Yeah I am still new to listia, so my main thing is to meet peeps,get fans, and show them I came to DROP PRODUCTS that are desirable! I play no games, only come for the fame and growing points in the game.. :D Gary
thank you so much. BTW did I mention I was blonde??? LOL I just wondered sometimes how some like yours are reasonable, and then others are WAY OVER THE TOP. Thanx for the honest answers. I am a H.K. freak, so I may have to do something about having this lamp delivered to my place. thanks again michele
Well friend most people mark their shipping way up because they are not here for points they are here for cash. I on the other hand and giving a gift to the users here, do not care or need cash right now and am going for points. :D Just trying to be informative not rude... :D
Box weighs 3 lbs its height is 2 ft by 12" by 16" based on USPS.com Standards of weights and measures this package will cost an estimated 13$ to ship to the east coast based on my Location. If a winner is located in California however it will cost a great deal more or around 18$. You see you can only ship this package Parcel Post or Priority Mail which costs $$$$$$$$$ ................
thank you , I believe the shipping cost to be minimal, and if this does well I will list another, and another, SO Bid up peoples this is a steal of a deal for u to use credits on!! I know I got credits LOL I cant find nuffin I want.