What is weird about it? A lot of Listia sellers put it up that way. Listia takes 10% of the GIN price, so by the seller putting it that way they get an even amount after the fee is taken.
No I cant. Every pic I tried taking came out a white blur because of the flash. Like I stated in the description, it was verified 14k gold by a reputable jeweler that I purchased it from.
thanks for posting this item,all who have any type of doubt should stop themself from bidding,they act like a private investigator asking 1001 question,if they want something better they should just go to the store and buy it!Good luck to all
Ok now let's let people know I'm here and those of them that were wondering about the ring. Give life a break and wonder what the highest bid will be instead... The seller is trying to give as much info they can but yet the same questions over and over........Heres a question no-one asked So how is the weather by you.? Or how about How are you, it's nice to meet you and thank you for the listing... People forget respect when asking a question, and have no righjt to make statements.. Vinnie of the Online Legends
WOW!! I understand people wanting to know things about items,but doubting items even before you get it in your hands?? Come on it's not like people listing things are stealing from you??? I hope you do well with your listings,and if I had the points to bid for this right now I would.
why can't people just take a sellers word for it and if not what they say send the item back and get credits back instead of keep asking the same question over and over ?
LOL! Well, that was certainly a good answer! I think I will have to keep an eye on this one.( I am thinking right now...hmmm I wonder why she is giving this away....) :) <3 JK Watching this one carefully. God Bless, Legend Rose
Not everyone puts up junk on Listia. We certainly do not. People keep asking "why are you putting this up?" The obvious answer is: THIS IS AN AUCTION SITE. What else would we be doing here. Seriously enough of the questions of why we are putting up new or nice items. Its comments like this that make me want to to stop listing.
What a wonderful auction and an Adorable ring I know you siad you had it checked out at a jewelers Did they tell you for sure it is not Plated Gold and so many peope my son has delt with has sold him costum jewlery and said it was marked and silver so im sorry to hae to ask im really supose to wear nothing but 18 kt gold 99.9 gold or i would get rashed iv grown out of this as your body changes every 7 years yay I love this ring and am wish you do well it should bring you in some really high point if not plated as gold and sivler are high and if you have get it now you could get a pretty price iv just joined in march so i dont have many points if i start to use my credit card for points well then that would mean i am acually buying items when its a site to get stuff free LOL I cant bid on this one but the next time i might beable to GOOD LUCK ON THIS WONDERFULL AUCTION hughessssssssssssssssss If you bought it new then it would tell you and the jewler or who ever sold this to you would give you papers saying 14kt Gold may i ask the price of this ring :) as iv been into gold since i was 18 years ld and pretty well know alot about it i can tell by bitting it burining it and smelling it /this wouldlet me know if it was real or plated if you burn a gold chain a real gold chain the burn mark will come right back off it and you wont even know it was burnt Good luck I just noticed you dont deliver to Canada so i cant bid as that is where i live oh well most of the real gold and sivler never gets delivered to canada unless we pay Good Luck Ill be watching
I am 100 percent sure that this is NOT plated in any way shape or form. I won't wear anything plated or silver or gold tone so I would never purchase something to auction here that I would not wear or use myself. I hpe this aswers the question about this ring being plated.