Size from top left corner to bottom right measures 15 inch. Does work. Weight honestly I have no idea on what shipping would cost. I will try and figure it out for you. :D
@nanasgals2 they COULD have lowered days or even put a get it now price on it IF you had not bid on it, once bid on the auctions have to end at the normal times. now that being said, AWSOME AUCTION, i will ask the inevitable, if the creds go high enough would you consider free shipping? even if ya wouldnt its still a great auction, and the monitor does work? can you take a pic of it turned on and hooked up? and my brother just shipped a 15 inch screen to our uncle, and that in its original box and such cost around 30 bucks, if that helps they know it can be up to that lol
ok, but everytime i bid on something someone always gets in my business, especially when they don't bid they should just go that was nice...he he he...F&W ME BACK PLEASE
If you get a box on your own that the monitor fits in wrap it in brown a shopping bag it should only cost around $10.00 to ship.The post office kills you on them flat rate boxes.