Free: 2007 8-1/4" X 5-1/2" Cat on Fence Miniature Painting By Marykay Bond - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 2007 8-1/4" X 5-1/2" Cat on Fence Miniature Painting By Marykay Bond

2007 8-1/4" X 5-1/2" Cat on Fence Miniature Painting By Marykay Bond
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The listing, 2007 8-1/4" X 5-1/2" Cat on Fence Miniature Painting By Marykay Bond has ended.

2007 8-1/4" X 5-1/2" Cat on Fence Miniature Painting By Marykay Bond

This is Not a Print.

Signed on the back. This piece is a light pencil sketch with Acrylic Paint added; done on colored Card Stock Paper.

Please Note: These paintings are just a rough "learning piece", marked with inequalities.
Thank you.

I am a self taught artist; I started working with oil paint over 40 years ago. When I decided to start painting miniature pieces on paper; I decided to learn to work with Acrylic's and a bit later moved to Tube water color paints.

This painting is some of my early "learning" to use acrylic paint; paintings.

So this and some others that will be listed today are more or less just "test pieces" that I ended up keeping in a box and I never intended them for sale.

I have since moved away from using all full acrylic paints to using Tube Water Color as I like the smooth flow of those better; I now only use Acrylic in my paintings for "detailing only"; and when I want something bold.

So these will be the only "full" Acrylic Paintings that at this time, have ever been done by me; just learning pieces; marked with inequalities; if someone would like them here they are.
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2007 8-1/4" X 5-1/2" Cat on Fence Miniature Painting By Marykay Bond is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category