Free: Tarte Amazonian Clay Waterproof Eyeliner - Makeup - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Tarte Amazonian Clay Waterproof Eyeliner

Tarte Amazonian Clay  Waterproof Eyeliner
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The listing, Tarte Amazonian Clay Waterproof Eyeliner has ended.

This is a full size Tarte Black (and it is very black!) Amazonian Clay Waterproof Liner. It came with a gift package I received and it is way too dark and 'smudgy' for me-I like a very thin line. I did a swatch test with a clean Q-tip, which is how I discerned that it wasn't for me. As is my usual, I have cleaned the container and sanitized it completely, just for that added measure of security for my buyers. (I sanitize with another clean Q-tip and a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol, in case you're wondering. The container, not the actual product- as this hasn't been touched by hands.)
I also cannot use Waterproof cosmetics as my eyes are too sensitive.

If the bidding goes above 1000, I will throw in this Avon Crystal Heart necklace as a bonus. I have never worn it. It is very pretty and dainty...but that is the problem!! I have only a very few necklaces like that which I will wear. Otherwise-right now-I'm all about the costume!

I only accept Listia Verified addresses-per their rules-and I must receive this within 7 days of the winning bid, or your credits, and the items, will be forfeited and returned back to me. Please do not send me your address in an email, or the consequences will be the same.

I also will not tolerate rudeness, profanity or attacking of other posters, as that will get you reported and blocked.

Have a great time and

`~~~HAPPY BIDDING!!!~~~`
Questions & Comments
Oh My sweet LA. I can feel your pain little Darlin. I can't seem to breathe very good and I think it's my sunuses Anyway, this is VERY AWESOME. And I love Ya to pieces <3 RED
Apr 2nd, 2012 at 6:51:15 PM PDT by
Absolitly love this and want it badly! Wish there was a gin! But I bid on too late now, lol! Hugs thanks dear!
Apr 2nd, 2012 at 2:13:41 PM PDT by
I think u r funny,saw ur comments on another auction n thought id stop by n c urs:)btw,they r always low in bids til the very end,do not be discouraged u got great stuff:)fanned u n checking out all ur stuff
Apr 2nd, 2012 at 8:46:51 PM PDT by
Love it!
Apr 3rd, 2012 at 8:13:22 AM PDT by
Ooh! Exciting! Hehe
Apr 3rd, 2012 at 8:22:31 AM PDT by
My Sweet and Adorable LA, I feel truly terrible that you are sick. So many of us Love you to pieces and with all that Love you will get better really quick. And to have someone there who loves you taking care of you Is just what you need and deserve my love. Of course if I was there you would be getting a big bowl of Chicken Soup!!! Love Ya Sweetie. Get well quick cuz we all like to hear your jokes and your excitement . You are priceless. RED
Apr 3rd, 2012 at 8:17:37 PM PDT by
Perfect. Keep him lol
Apr 4th, 2012 at 8:08:38 AM PDT by
does that eye liner come with a little brush?
Apr 6th, 2012 at 4:41:58 PM PDT by
awww Angel, I hope you get to feeling better soon,had it all last week,great auction & U R doing awesome watching & waiting lol Denice3 <3
Apr 4th, 2012 at 8:15:25 PM PDT by
Great auction (:
Apr 11th, 2012 at 12:08:08 AM PDT by

Tarte Amazonian Clay Waterproof Eyeliner is in the Health & Beauty | Makeup category