Sorry- I won't make it to the post office before Monday anyway and I prefer not to mail any packages from my house. There have been issues with mail theft before.
I bought it from an import/export dealer in the U.S. when I had a license. I believe they told me this was from Thailand or Vietnam, but I really don't remember for sure. It was a large bulk order with many items.
Not a problem Siri, if I can figure it out -the country of orgin and any other info., I'll be more than happy to tell you. PlusI love this sort of research.
My guess, although I could be wrong, is Thailand, because it is mostly Buddhist, and Viet Nam is more Muslim. I know this has nothing to do with the auctions, but have you been to those countries? I was planning on moving there and then some health problems got in the way.
I had gone so far as to establish contacts in Thailand, figured out what area I would temporarily rent in, gotten job information, learned a few phrases, purchased appropriate clothing, etc etc etc....
Well in most larger cities you can find Asian community centers that can help you find guides. I don't remeber how I found mine but I was lucky to have some very close friends from Vietnam and the Phiilipines that were able to help translate some things for me.