this firetv should have anything any other firetv has. it has a downloader you can add that has built in web browser to download third party files. i have not figured out how to use it too good. it has firefox browser, silk browser and all kinds of utility apps
Its got the same as a Fire-stick. Only difference with the Fire TV box it just has more space than fire-sticks. Just different specs, but the same as each other as far as App's.
I have a Fire-stick Myself And Must admit There still a App or 2 that I use to download 3rd party files onto it that is sooo annoying to navigate. I have had Fire-stick, A TV With ROKU software built into it, and Android Boxes. Fire sticks/Fire Tv Box are definitely my 2nd Fav.(Android boxes my Fav)
I Hate Roku boxes,sticks and Ruku smart Tv's. Kodi is something you can add really easy to Fire-stick/FireTv, You would like the app, It literally lets you watch any movie you can think of old/new etc and its 100% free! A lot of people use to claim Kodi,or any streaming service wasn't Legal but long as you dont download and copy the Shows/Movies and just stream them, its perfectly fine.
There are several easy step by step YouTube Guides on how to Install and get it going, If you ever get interested enough let me know and Id be glade to give you some advice as well, it truly is an Amazing App.
i have had the sticks and boxes on firetv and roku but i mainly use them just to watch movies and tv shows and have not fooled with a lot of the apps. i like roku best for movies and use the fire tv for playing asphalt 8 game and amazon prime. i tried adding kodi on my computer but couldn't figure it out good.