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this is a legendary rare statue from halo reach its got all the weapons the original box everything is in GREAT shape but i will say it is missing some of the original "paperwork" that came inside with the statue i will offer free shipping if it reaches over 10000 the box itself is slightly used and it has been out of the box and opened its still a GREAT deal and it will have insurance and comformation
bid high and bid well goodluck everyone!! :)
Questions & Comments
15.00 flatrate IS a decent shipping rate for something of this wieght. If you haven't seen one in person and handled it yourself? You should be quite and bid one the item 15$ Froggies for this item is a steam you knobs and you should realize that. masterchief would be ashamed right now at you all.
lol god thats funny and i am glad you think its a good deal but i might need to jack it to 20$ i am gunna take it to ups and find out the exact shipping + tracking and insurance and im glad you understand these things ARE NOT exactly small or light lol and have you actually had one ?
well its kind of a big box and isnt exactly light plus it will have insurance and tracking number for conformation threw ups so that you KNOW when its getting there and where it is and when it is. so the price will be right around $20 but i will lower it to 15 and bite the cost a bit if you really think its unfair
i already lowered the cost of the shipping which btw was completely FAIR from ups which includes tracking and insurance but i cant lower teh price its 10.000 credits for free shippin i would consider free shipping if it got to say 7.5 or 8k but honestly i am already biting the cost for it sorry :/
it all depend on location and who you go through for your shipping and handling UPS *will* bend you over the counter take your wallet and will not even be courteous enough to leave a burger king coupon for your troubles. USPS will more or less be your best bet on cost. Especially if you can fit that into a flatrate box. not sure if a meduim size Flatrate will suffice though. Yes I have picked one up before at the local gamestop here. I know the meduim flatrate is like 11.90 something but you might have to go with the larger one. Suggest taking measurements of the box. Then hit the local post office and compare and if you can use some stuffing peanuts when packing it up for shipment.
i dont know ups usually is pretty good to me but i will take your advice into account and go to both and see what the best deal could be i honestly do appreciate the advice i dont deal to much with usps because i have heard and seen how bad they can be but i guess i will just have to start comparing prices but it is a big box after all so who knows
sorry im not doing that its a crap deal no offense i can sell this on ebay for over $150 EASY so im not letting anyone rip me off for 3000 so i cant do that even if i wanted to i dont have GIN
thats not at all what i am saying i plan to go threw with it even if it was 100 credits but what i am saying is that i wont take a GIN of like 3000 credits even if i could do GIN which i cant yet i am sorry if something lead you to believe otherwise