The listing, Foxcatcher Ultraviolet UV code has ended.
Ultraviolet code for Foxcatcher 2014. Rated R. HD Code only from Blu Ray. Blu Ray not included. Code will be check before sending and will not be refunded. Will send within 24 hours if not much sooner. Will transfer to Itunes and Movies Anwhere.
Foxcatcher 2014:
When wealthy John du Pont (Steve Carell) invites Olympic wrestler Mark Schultz (Channing Tatum) to move to his estate and help form a wrestling team for the 1988 Olympics, Mark sees a way to step out of the shadow of his charismatic brother, Dave (Mark Ruffalo). However, du Pont begins to lead Mark down a dark road, causing the athlete's self-esteem to slip. Meanwhile, du Pont becomes fixated on bringing Dave into the fold, eventually propelling all three toward an unforeseen tragedy.
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