Does it have a valid key meaning serial number? That would be on a separate sticker or clearly somewhere printed within the case and papers it came with.
Scott, there should be a key with numbers and letters on the inside or the back of the case. If it is new it would be there. hope this helps a little. thanks for listing.
if you look at the pict again it for computers that have the windows xp install in there and it dose not come with a key you must have the key on your computer to use that xp home if you dont then it dont work with out a key that you own all ready or a ms cert re installer
i work on computer's and ms cert i'm just trying to help ppl that are not sure if it going to work on there computer i sell new used and recert computer's i use that disk on recert computers and i have to sell recert key fot the disk
It clearly says "FOR REFURBISHED PCs". Meaning you have to use the product key from the side of a computers case, or bottom of a laptop. In order for this to work, the computer must have came with XP Home pre-installed. This CD Doesn't have a Key included. You can not install this on a PC that didn't have XP Home installed previously.