It is a smoke free home however I am a guy so..... I don't carry a purse , not just my cup of tea so I must have gotten it somewhere else and to say they didn't smoke I can't say but I will go home and stick my old snout up to it and let you know if it smells like they did and then I will stick it to my daughter's snut and if the neighbor home I'll try to get them to smell and then will take a pole lol and if anyone smelled smoke I'll be glad to list it , just kidding but I will let you know and while I'm smelling I'll try to see what it is made of thank you so much daniel276
you are so funny...thank you, sir and if i win , i will pay the shipping cost with foodstamps, lol btw, do you know what is the material ? Please dont go to your neighbour to ask it, lol
I was just making a little lite humor maybe by the times it ends you'll have the points if I don't list something else you like better and by the way have you checked out my others ? I have some awesome ones listed thanks again daniel276
The calculator said $8.05 plus confirmation which is .75 thank you daniel276 my zip code is 29624 in case you want to recheck it or anyone else wants to check theirs weighs over 2lbs if it gets over 10,000 I'll pay half shipping cost