Free: ***Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows*** Hardcover - Other Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ***Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows*** Hardcover

***Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows*** Hardcover
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The listing, ***Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows*** Hardcover has ended.

First Edition, 2007 by J. K. Rowling. Hardback w/dust jacket. Very fine condition. 759 pages. Would make an excellent gift to complete someone's collection.

"I'm almost scared to admit this, but one thing has stopped me collapsing in a puddle of misery on the floor. While each of the previous Potter books has strong claims on my affections, Deathly Hallows is my favourite, and that is the most wonderful way to finish the series. —J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the seventh and last book in the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. It was released on 21 July, 2007 at 00:01 local time in English speaking countries. The title was first released to the public through a hangman game posted by J. K. Rowling on her official website on December 21st, 2006. Shortly afterwards, it was confirmed by the publishers. Rowling left a note, written on a bust of Hermes in her room at the Balmoral hotel in Edinburgh, saying, "JK Rowling finished writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in this room (652) on 11th Jan 2007". On her website she said, "While each of the previous Potter books has strong claims on my affections, Deathly Hallows is my favourite, and that is the most wonderful way to finish the series." She has previously said that although all the books carry on the story, Deathly Hallows is more a continuation of the story in the previous book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, than has been the case with any other book in the series. It is the fastest selling book of all time, selling 15 million copies in the first 24 hours.

Heavyweight, but I'm offering free shipping. Please bid accordingly. Thank you!
Questions & Comments
My wife loves HP. This book would complete her collection.
Apr 27th, 2012 at 4:48:24 PM PDT by
Good! And what a bargain. The book retailed for $34 in 2007. It's now $20 at Amazon(1rst US Edition). Thank you for looking!
Apr 27th, 2012 at 5:34:29 PM PDT by
I like this book for my friend she Luvz harry potter
Apr 27th, 2012 at 8:52:49 PM PDT by
Great, I'm sure she'd be thrilled. Thanks for looking!
Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:00:48 PM PDT by
the end of an era
Apr 28th, 2012 at 11:02:32 AM PDT by
Yes. I find Rowlng's journey as a writer fascinating. New book will be released this September.
Apr 28th, 2012 at 11:58:47 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
My son had all 7 books but the last one got ruined. This would be perfect to finish his set again
Apr 29th, 2012 at 1:27:13 AM PDT by
Perfect! Glad I could oblige. Ty for looking. Good luck.
Apr 29th, 2012 at 7:12:37 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
die hard harry potter fan got all 7 harry potter books
May 1st, 2012 at 6:11:47 AM PDT by
: )
May 1st, 2012 at 10:23:58 AM PDT by
By the way, J. K. Rowling's adult novel is due out in September of this year.
Apr 27th, 2012 at 5:46:34 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Is it paperback
Apr 27th, 2012 at 9:03:06 PM PDT by
No, Hardcover. Thanks for looking.
Apr 27th, 2012 at 11:15:50 PM PDT by

***Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows*** Hardcover is in the Books | Other Books category