Free: Incense / Smudge Bazaar #2!! FREE SHIPPING!! - Other - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Incense / Smudge Bazaar #2!! FREE SHIPPING!!

Incense / Smudge Bazaar #2!!  FREE SHIPPING!!
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The listing, Incense / Smudge Bazaar #2!! FREE SHIPPING!! has ended.

I'm sharing the bounty! My incense bazaar #2 became a relist, and because I promised those that didn't win that they would get another chance, here it is!!

These are loose leaf herbal incense I made myself, that can be burned for intent on a charcoal disk. Only a pinch does it! A full eight bags are 2X3 (not for consumption or smoking!)

Incenses include:
1) Holiday Spice - all you fav spices for the fall/winter holidays!
2) Protection incense
3) Love Strengthener incense
4) Healing incense
5) Bring Along Spring incense
6) Divination incense
7) Goddess incense
8) Self Love incense
2x2 bag of Full Moon incense (this is on backorder, if you can't wait for it, please feel free to substitute it for another. ;)
2x2 bag of a mixture of Frankincense & Myrrh resin

I'll add bonus amounts of loose herbs and incenses - 1 for every 1000 credits! The winner can have a bag of special blend incense made up for them at their request ~ as long as it is for good intent!

I'm even including a smudging bundle that contains white sage, a shell, smudging feather, and even a beautiful travel pouch!!!

I am also including 1 roll of 10 charcoal burning disks to burn this incense on and a bag of incense burning sand...please ensure you use the sand under the disk as it gets VERY HOT! Also, ensure you put the sand and disk in a fireproof container...a cauldron or small thick ceramic bowl works nicely!

Constructive criticisms are ok, but let's not be negative, crude or abusive. I would never do that to you on your auction. Now I'm here to have fun, so play nice!

If you have questions, please ask! I'm on here a LOT! Remember, there's free shipping as usual, so bid! bid! bid!
Questions & Comments
I would love to get my hands on a few of those purple bags you show in the picture, any way you can put them up?
Apr 26th, 2012 at 6:48:52 PM PDT by
Let me check with my supplier and see if she'll sell them separately; otherwise, I'll ask my daughter to make them if I can find the fabric. ;)
Apr 26th, 2012 at 6:56:51 PM PDT by
Yeah those are pretty watching
Apr 26th, 2012 at 6:54:40 PM PDT by
Hey Girlfriend! Glad to see you stopped by! Like I stated above, I'll see what I can do about the bags!
Apr 26th, 2012 at 6:58:38 PM PDT by
Thank you that would be awesome, I use them for my stones in my kit. Purple is my favorite color so its even better:)
Apr 26th, 2012 at 7:23:13 PM PDT by
Please note that the color is random...the one that came in was a tan/brown iridescent, which is really gorgeous.
Apr 26th, 2012 at 7:53:28 PM PDT by
Was also gonna ask you if you can get a hold of dragons blood, mug wart, witch hazel and some eucalyptus, juniper berries are hard to find up here.
Apr 26th, 2012 at 7:47:13 PM PDT by
It just so happens that I own my own shop on facebook... so if you don't win the auction, or even if you do but need different items, please feel to leave me a message on my shop page and I'll either have it in stock, or will be able to get it for you. ;)
Apr 26th, 2012 at 8:15:09 PM PDT by
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this comment has been hidden
Apr 26th, 2012 at 7:16:50 PM PDT by
These items are NOT for ingesting...and they are not pot. They are for the uses stated above. Thank you for your interest.
Apr 26th, 2012 at 8:04:06 PM PDT by
It just so happens that I own my own shop on facebook... so if you don't win the auction, or even if you do but need different items, please feel to leave me a message on my shop page and I'll either have it in stock, or will be able to get it for you. ;)
Apr 26th, 2012 at 7:56:00 PM PDT by
Just received the following information on the travel bags from my supplier:

Velvet Colored Bags


Size Options/Price:
2x2 1/2 $3.50
3x4 $3
4x5 1/2 $3.50
5x7 $4ea

Other Velvet Options
2x3 Black Interwoven Star $6
3x4 Black Interwoven Star $7
6x7 Black Triple Moon $8
6x7 Blue Pentagram $8
5x7 Black Pentagram $8
5" Black Rounded Bottom Ankh $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Triquetra $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Eye of Horus $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Celtic Cross $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Bast $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Green Man $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Triple Moon $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Moon Phase $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Goddess $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Tree of Life $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Witch $7
5" Black Rounded Bottom Yin Yang $7
Apr 29th, 2012 at 7:12:44 PM PDT by
Woo Hoo!! another 2 thousand credits have been bid! I've put two more bags in the shipping bag!! Keep it going people! I've got lots more goodies to add!!!
Apr 29th, 2012 at 11:50:54 PM PDT by
Ohhh...adding awesome goodies!! A real treat for the winner! Who's it gonna be??
Apr 30th, 2012 at 2:55:45 AM PDT by
I'm having so much fun I can't stand it! Lol!
Apr 30th, 2012 at 4:01:43 AM PDT by
Woo Hoo!! 2000 more credits bid, so 2 more bonus packs have been added...that's 6 bonus packs so far!! Plus some awesome gifts I've put in!!
Apr 30th, 2012 at 6:43:35 AM PDT by
And they're running neck and neck! Lol!! Another two thousand means another 2 bags!! That's 16 bags of incense / herbs plus the charcoal, smudge kit, and two 2x2 bags!! WOW!!
Apr 30th, 2012 at 7:06:48 PM PDT by

Incense / Smudge Bazaar #2!! FREE SHIPPING!! is in the Other Stuff | Other category