The listing, anime(dvds, vhs, ect.) has ended.
if u win from 0- 500 credits u get 2 pick 1, if u win 501-1000 credits u get 2 pick 2, if u win 1001-1500 u get 2 pick 3 and so on.
Hamtaro ham-hams head seaward- has a case, vhs, like new
hamtaro hamtaro and theham-hams- has a case, like new, vhs
pokemon thunder shock- no case, like new, vhs
pokemon fashion victims- has a case, like new, vhs
yu yu hakusho yusuke lost yusuke found- like new, no scratches episodes 1-2, dvd
yu yu hakusho rescue yukina- like new, vhs, episodes 22-25
yu yu hakusho the gate of betrayal- like new, dvd, no scratches episodes 13-15
yu yu hakusho in the blood- some light scratches but works great, dvd, 87-90
yu yu hakusho the seven- some light scratches, dvd, episodes 71-74
yu yu hakusho yoko kurama- some light scratches, dvd, episodes 54-56
yu yu hakusho three kingdoms- like new, dvd, episodes 98-100
yu yu hakusho deathmatch- like new, vhs episodes 29-32
death note towel- new
it says on the death note towel
The human whose name is written in the note shall die.
This not will not take effect unless the writer has the subject's face in their mind when writing his/her name therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.
If the cause of the death is written within 40 seconds of writing the subject's name it will happen.
If the cause of death is not specified the subject will simply die of a heart attack.
After writing the cause of death the details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.